Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mexico trip.

i'm back from Mexico! 

i had a fantastic time. we built a house in 3.5 days. i loved our group. we laughed so much. :) here's a few instagram photos to hold you over until i can get my other photos edited.

Friday, June 21, 2013


in less than two days i will be on my way to Mexico for about a week! please keep our team in your prayers as we build a house for a Mexican family. i'm hoping to get some good photos also, but we'll see...i'll be pretty busy. but i'll try! :) 

thanks for your prayers and financial support. it means the world. <3 


Friday, June 7, 2013

adventure, here i come.

hey everybody!

so just a quick update...

i don't need any money for either missions trip! God has been so faithful in providing. i'm so blown away by the generosity i've seen. 

since it's been 9 months since my last travel adventure, i think it's about time for another adventure. :) 

16 days until Mexico!!!

57 days until Uganda!