Saturday, November 16, 2013

Uganda video

i went to Uganda in August.
and then i made this video from all the short clips i took while i was there.

i hope it makes you smile like it makes me smile. :)
i hope it gives you a glimpse of life in Africa.
and i hope it makes you want to go to Uganda.
please watch and be blessed.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

on looking back to move forward.

note: i wrote this post on my 20th birthday (in October), but because of my travels (i'm home now!) i'm just getting around to posting it. :)

wasn't it just yesterday that i turned 13 and was terribly impatient in waiting for the "important moments of my life" like driving, graduating from high school, and getting married?

wasn't it just yesterday that i was 14, insecure, and wishing for a close friend or two?

wasn't it just yesterday when i was 15 and scared to death of driving over 35mph in a 50mph zone? ;) 

wasn't it just yesterday when i was 16, saving every penny for a "big camera", and dreaming about photographing weddings and high school seniors?

wasn't it just yesterday that i was 17 and had a checklist for my life? 
graduate from high school: check!
launch my photography career: check!
leave the family farm: 
graduate from college: 
fall in love:
get married:
start a family: 

wasn't it just yesterday that i was 18, wearing my brave face, and confidently leaving home to take on the world, but secretly terrified and shaking in my black Converse sneakers? 

wasn't it just yesterday that i turned 19 and decided to throw out my life's checklist? because nothing had happened the way i had planned and i was confident that God had a different (and way more fulfilling!) plan for my life.

7 years of my life.
what can i say?
i can't believe how much i have changed...but i can believe it.

i regret much,
lost much,
hurt much,
and wished much.

i also learned much,
saw much,
lived much,
dreamed much,
grew much,
and loved much. 

it's funny to look back over my "teenage years" and see who i was then compared to who i am now. 
but when i look at who i am now, i realize how much more i still need to grow. 
i'm looking back to move forward. 

and today?
today i say goodbye to the teenage years.
today i look forward to my best years ever.
they're right in front of me, happening as i type. 
today i look forward to the dreams and goals for 2014 that God will give me.

here's to a year full of just Jesus, total faith, and fantastic things. :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

on jersey cows, missing home, and the will of God.

the first two-and-a-half weeks in New Zealand have flown by.
aside from the sightseeing and picture-taking, i have been learning a lot.
being on Jersey cow dairy farms has been quite interesting for me.
my family milks Holstein cows.
not Jerseys.
and if you know anything about Jerseys and Holsteins,
they may both be cows, but that's about they only way they are similar.
Amy keeps trying to tell me that "Jersey's are better"...

...but i still like my family's Holsteins more.
because hello. 
at home i don't have to squat down to be able to attach the milker. 
enough said.

haha. ;)
(to you non-cow-people, Jerseys are BABY-sized in comparison to Holsteins.)

but it's been pretty good so far.
although i am counting down the days until i get to go home.
i'm not quite sure why i am so "homesick" this trip,
but i really feel like i should be at home right now. 
i feel like i'm missing out on so much and i want to be back home.
but despite my feelings, i've been reminded (several times...) to "be all here". 

in the words of Jim Elliot, "Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."

and boy, i have been placed in several situations and encounters that seem to be the will of God. 
from the stewardess on the airplane who struck up a faith-building conversation with us because she saw Amy reading the book of Isaiah,
to the opportunity to talk religion with a Mormon lady and her non-religious husband,
to going to church and meeting a girl from Wisconsin,
i can see God working.

it's been neat. 
i am excited to see the other ways God will use us during our time "Down Under". :)

photos coming later...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


below: Samwise and Rosie's house.

below: me and Amy in front of the Hobbiton sign. :D

below: the "Party Tree" that Bilbo had his 111th birthday party under.

below: Bag End, Bilbo Baggin's house

Amy and i went to Hobbiton (Matamata, New Zealand) on Tuesday. it was AMAZING. 

i felt like i was actually in the Lord of the Rings movies.
going to Hobbiton was a dream-come-true for me. i was as giggly and excited as a 13-yr-old girl going to a One Direction concert. haha. ;)

it was SO NEAT to hear how Peter Jackson brought to life the vision for Hobbiton and SEE it. 

having lunch (scones and non-alcoholic ginger beer) at The Green Dragon (the pub from the LOTR movies) was definitely a highlight. i enjoyed the day so much. :D

more photos to come later!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

New Zealand is beautiful.

so Amy and i arrived in New Zealand yesterday morning. our travel went fairly smooth, and after a fun day with the Gecks (the first family we're staying with), we both "crashed" at around 7pm (NZ time) last night. 

can i just say that New Zealand is one of THE most beautiful places i have ever been?
because it is. 
despite the chilly temperatures of "winter" (40-60 degrees Fahrenheit), everything is so green and beautiful. 
i am in awe of God's creation.

here are a few instagram photos from the past two days! :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

leaving (again).

hey all! 

i apologize for not being a better blogger, but my life has been CRAZY this summer. 

now it's fall. 
my Mexico and Uganda trips are both over, but TODAY i leave for 7 weeks in New Zealand (+ one week in Australia). 

i am kind of in shock (almost) of the fact that this is ACTUALLY HAPPENING. 
i mean, i dreamed of going to Australia and New Zealand when i was a kid. i dreamed of going to Africa when i was a kid. i dreamed of going to Europe when i was a kid. now here i am, two months shy of my 20th birthday, and in the past year, i have spent three months in Greece and three months in Hawaii, two weeks in Uganda, a week in Mexico, and i'm about to spend 7 weeks in New Zealand and a week in Australia. sometimes i just stop and ask myself, "HOW IS THIS REAL LIFE."

i love my life. i love that my dreams are coming true. i love that every day is a crazy adventure...

...but i must say that i am looking forward to resting when i get back to America in October. i don't want to have to say "goodbye" for a while. i want to be still and listen to what God has planned for me in 2014. i want to pour myself into my relationships here (at my home in America), and really focus on discipleship and listening.

don't get me wrong, i am SO EXCITED to be going to New Zealand and Australia, and i can't wait to get there and make new friends, but i so need a season of rest right now. i just got back from Uganda two weeks ago, and the thought of spending another 20-ish hours on an airplane + jetlag kinda makes me depressed...but i think i'll be okay once i get there. here's to a smooth trip to New Zealand. America, i will see you again in October!

PS. if you don't remember what i'm doing in NZ, my friend, Amy, and i are flying to NZ to visit several dairy farms, then we're flying to Australia to visit a YWAM friend of mine. please pray for open doors to share our faith with the families we'll be staying with in NZ. :)

Friday, August 30, 2013


i don't know her name.
i don't know her story.
i know nothing about her...

...but there's something about her.
her face.
her eyes haunt me.
i can't get her face out of my head.

this girl is special.
she is beautiful.
God knows her name.
He knows her story.
and He has a special plan for her,
this beautiful Ugandan child.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

half of my heart.

i'm back from 2 weeks in Uganda.
i'm currently sitting on my bed in America, listening to Jesus Culture radio on Pandora, trying to process everything.
i'm near tears, my heart misses my new Ugandan family.
the only thing i want right now is to be back in Uganda.

i want to tell you everything that happened.
i want to describe every. little. thing.

but the words refuse come.

i want you to smell the things i smelled.
i want you to see the things i saw.
i want you to hear the things i heard.
i want you to feel the things i felt (feel).

but it doesn't work like that.

i want to write it all down, but i don't even know where to start.

i think i need to process it a little more before i can blog it.

all i know is that i left the other half of my heart in Uganda.
(i left the first half of my heart in Greece.)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

hello from Uganda!

hey everyone!

just letting you know that i'm still alive. :)
i haven't had much time to get internet, but i'm okay and having fun in Uganda.

i can't wait to post photos for you all!

keep us and the kids we're working with in you prayers! thanks for your support! :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

dream big.

my passport came on Monday, praise the Lord! things are starting to come together. :)
i just took my first malaria pill, and it's starting to sink in that i am GOING TO AFRICA on Saturday!

when i was a kid, i dreamed about going to Africa someday. 
i remember wishing i could be grown up so i could travel the world. 
i remember thinking about what it would be like...and wondering if i'd ever get the chance to go. 

yet here i am. 
19 years old.
traveling the world.

i think the only reason i'm here, doing what i love to do, is because i dared to dream big. 
i talk to so many people who haven't traveled outside of the States, simply because they haven't done it. the only thing stopping them has been themselves. it bothers me because the world holds so many fantastic people and places. it's an adventure that i wouldn't want to miss. i can't imagine NOT traveling. i've dreamed big dreams, then watched God bring them into my life. 

i think i may be the luckiest girl alive. 
i'm living my dreams. 

Africa, here i come! :)

2 days until Uganda!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

in the little things.

10 days before i'm scheduled to leave for Uganda, i'm sitting here waiting for my renewed passport to come back. can anyone say "ALL THE STRESS"? i mean, we're talking about the girl who finished college papers two weeks before they were due because she sorta kinda FREAKS OUT about deadlines (um, yes, that would be me). no, my passport isn't here yet and 10 days is cutting it kinda close. have i mentioned that i consider my passport to be nearly as sacred as my Bible? haha, okay i'm totally kidding on that one, but you get what i'm can't leave America without it! ;)

but let's get serious for a second. throughout this experience, God is teaching me.

He's saying that He is in control of the little things. He works behind the scenes. He wants my complete faith and trust. He's got this.

despite my anxiety and stress and worry, i know without a doubt that God has called me to Africa in August. i know i'm supposed to go. i know He will provide, i WATCHED Him provide. (even with the unexpected passport renewal cost + the bill from my vaccinations, i somehow still have enough money to go to Uganda, and almost enough to pay for my NZ & Australia trip!)

God is SO incredibly faithful to me. even when i stress out about little BIG things (like my passport not being here). He knows how i like to have everything planned at least 2 weeks in advance (okay, so i'm a teeny bit of a control freak). He knows my heart. and He wants my trust.

He has called me to Uganda. He is faithful and will take care of the details that are out of my control. <-- of this i have no doubt.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, "the One who called you is faithful and He will do it."

so if you're stressing out about something that's out of your control, i know exactly how you're feeling. but just remember that God works in everything. He's got it under control. :) if He has called you to something, He'll work out the details. don't stress.

10 days until Uganda!

PS. according to the passport people that i called today, i can be expecting my passport by this Saturday or the following yeah. praise Him. :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

...and New Zealand & Australia.


so i wanted to let you all know that i am planning another trip this year.

my best friend from Pennsylvania, Amy, and i are planning a trip to New Zealand and Australia in September (through October) of 2013. technically, this is not a "missions trip", but you're to be a missionary everywhere you go, yeah? :)

we will be working on several dairy farms in NZ, for about 6.5 weeks total, then going to Australia for a week to see the sights and hang with one of my best YWAM friend who lives in Australia.

we leave on Sept 5th and return to America on October 29th. :) 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mexico trip.

i'm back from Mexico! 

i had a fantastic time. we built a house in 3.5 days. i loved our group. we laughed so much. :) here's a few instagram photos to hold you over until i can get my other photos edited.

Friday, June 21, 2013


in less than two days i will be on my way to Mexico for about a week! please keep our team in your prayers as we build a house for a Mexican family. i'm hoping to get some good photos also, but we'll see...i'll be pretty busy. but i'll try! :) 

thanks for your prayers and financial support. it means the world. <3 


Friday, June 7, 2013

adventure, here i come.

hey everybody!

so just a quick update...

i don't need any money for either missions trip! God has been so faithful in providing. i'm so blown away by the generosity i've seen. 

since it's been 9 months since my last travel adventure, i think it's about time for another adventure. :) 

16 days until Mexico!!!

57 days until Uganda!

Monday, May 20, 2013

75. :)

hey hey, guys!

so i leave for Uganda in 75 days!

and Mexico in 34 days!

i am so so SO excited to travel again.

and thanks to everyone's generosity and God's provision, it looks like i only need $100-$200 more (for both trips combined). praise Jesus! :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

it's okay to be single.

have you ever had those days when you just want to talk or process, but can't seem to form coherent sentences? yeah, me too. so today i'm just going to write, and write, and write...and hope it makes sense.

okay, so two weeks ago, i posted about my current state of singlehood (is that a word? i guess it should be "singleness". haha). it was a bit of a vulnerable post for me because i struggle being open and honest and vulnerable, especially on the internet...and i care too much about what people think. 

after posting it i got some (pretty encouraging) feedback, and i thought, "wait, people actually are reading my blog?" hahaha.

so. i feel like i left that last post on a very depressing note. i don't want to apologize for my honesty and vulnerability in the last post, but i want to explain myself a little better. if that makes sense.

this topic (singleness) has been on my mind a lot recently. maybe it's because i am still single and wishing for a man to walk through life beside me. but after thinking and mulling it over, i've come to some simple conclusions. (and y'all have my permission to send me the link to this post when i'm having a bad day again. ;))

but enough rambling.

on to my musings...

1. it is okay to be single. 
   there is nothing wrong with me. it is perfectly fine to be single. there is no law in America requiring me to marry. do i want to marry? ohhhyes, like, tomorrow please. i know that God knows my great desire to marry and raise a family, and i know i can trust Him to take care of that desire until the time comes.
do i have days when i struggle letting go of my desire for control? YES (i think that's clear from my last post). but it's okay! i'm human. i will make mistakes. i am learning. i think this is part of the beauty of the life i'm living. God is continually teaching me. i hear Him speak all the time. having a boyfriend or husband won't necessarily bring me closer to God. it's in the single years that i have the freedom to truly focus and learn how to rely on God FOR MYSELF. not with the help of my parents or a husband. 

2. God is craving my attention more than i am craving a man's attention.
    it's so simple, God is jealous for me. He wants my attention MORE than i  want a man's attention. He wants to be first. i don't know why it never really hit me before. maybe because God knows exactly what i need, when i need it. i think i already knew it, but now i KNOW it. simple truths like this help me through the mundane of everyday life.

3. today i am called to be single.

     what if i just take it one day at a time? i choose Jesus today. i choose contentment today. i choose joy today. i choose grace today. i choose generosity today. i am called to be single today. that may change tomorrow, but today i will be the single woman who is walking the path God has put her on. 

i will have bad days, but that's what grace is for, yeah? is that an excuse for a bad attitude? no, but venting/talking it out is kind of like therapy for me. and if i can relate to and encourage one person who reads this, being vulnerable is worth it. :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

a vulnerable post.

i don't even know where to begin,
except by admitting that i've been overwhelmed lately.
and lonely.
and melancholy.

i have so many feelings and emotions whirling around inside of me right now and i haven't journaled since August 2012, so that might be why i feel overwhelmed...ha.

i absolutely LOVE that so many of my friends are getting engaged and married. i am happy for them, honestly. it makes my heart happy to see how happy they are. and i am happy with where i am right now. i can do whatever i want. i can see the world and not have to worry about having a boyfriend or husband's approval of where i go or who i hang out with. i'm free to do whatever i want! and i love it. i wouldn't trade it for anything right now.

but every time i do something fun or go somewhere new, there's this horrid longing inside of me (so maybe "horrid" isn't the right word). an ache, really, to have someone to share it with. to be living life alongside a man who enjoys the same things. and we could talk about it. challenge each other. love each other. protect each other. i feel like my life is slipping away from me. like i'll never fall in love. 

i mean, will it ever be my turn to be in love?

it seems silly to feel this way, but i see friends who are younger than me getting married and it bothers me.

since a very young age, my plan has been to marry young (like my grandmother and great-grandmother who married at the ages of 18 and 19), and raise a family. i said i was going to get married when i was 18, because that's what Grandma did!

but i guess God's plan for my life is a bit different.

18 has come and gone, and here i am. single. lonely. 19.

everyone says "don't worry, you're only 19. i got married at 20, you have time." but it turns out that they got married at 20 but they had been dating their spouse since 9th grade, were engaged at 19, got married, and had, like, 3 kids by the time they were 26.

and here i am. single. lonely. 19. never had a boyfriend. never even had a guy ask me out!

but then i'm like, "well, stop it, Valerie. don't compare your story to everyone else's stories, because it's completely different." but i somehow still find myself making an 11:11 wish and praying for a man to come into my life.

and then i feel selfish because i have friends who are much older than me, still single, and wishing they had a husband or wife as well. they deserve to have someone love them. and i know they want it just as much as i do.

and i know that i sound ridiculous. i feel like a little kid whining because someone else has something and i want it.

but i KNOW that there's someone out there for me. and the fact that i have no idea who he is or when he will come into my life is driving me crazy because i've been waiting for him my whole life. because i refuse to settle. 

but the hardest part is the teasing. parents, uncles, cousins...they all tease because i have no boyfriend. they want to know when i'll be getting married. making jokes about how i'll still be single when i'm 26 (what a random age). it's a constant reminder of my singleness. my loneliness. and it hurts, dang it! i'm usually not a super sensitive person (okay, so i am pretty sensitive), but really?!

i'm not wishing my single years away. i fully intend to enjoy them and live it up. travel. see and photograph the world. follow God's will. but i wish i had someone to share it with. i mean, it's normal for a girl to want someone to love her, take care of her, protect her, and just be there for her, right?

so here i am, going on missions trips. fending for myself. protecting myself by building up walls around my heart and holding everything inside because i don't want to talk about what hurts me. i want one person i can trust. i want one person who will want to get to know me. i want one person who will take one look at my face and know something's wrong. i want someone who won't try to understand everything, but who will be understanding. 

i just want someone to just BE with.
a real, tangible man who will live life with me. together. an adventure.

i don't care about fancy dinners or movies or dates.
i don't care about anything really. 
i just want someone to just be with.

but he's not here yet...
...and patience isn't exactly a thing i've mastered.

but maybe i'm looking at this all wrong. i am trying to be content, but dang it, it's hard!

it's a daily struggle.

Lord, give me strength and grace for this road. 

dear future husband, i wish you were here. like, yesterday.

Friday, April 26, 2013

on asking and obeying.

He told them, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field."
Luke 10:2 (NIV)

so once a month i volunteer in my church's JR church (we call it Faith Kids Worship). the second Sunday of the month is my turn to be "crowd control/small group leader/potty break leader" in FKW. for the past few weeks, the lessons have been on serving/leading, and the last time i helped in FKW, one of the key verses stood out to me and i've been thinking about it for a while.

 Luke 10:2.

the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
ask the Lord of the harvest.
to send out workers into His field.

i started to think about the times in DTS (the 6-month Discipleship Training School i did with YWAM) when the leaders would tell us to ASK God (or the Holy Spirit...depending on who was speaking :D) what He would have us do or give. and then ACT in obedience on it.

ask the Lord of the harvest. 

to ask is to say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.

ask the Lord of the harvest.
to send out workers into the field.

this verse isn't just about praying and asking God to send people into the missions field. praying for people to go into missions is all well and good, but i feel like there's more to this verse and also to our lives as followers of Christ.

there were instances during my 6 months in DTS when the YWAM leaders would say, "ask God how much He would have you give for this awesome fundraiser" (or something along those lines), and i purposefully wouldn't ask God.

i didn't ask because i knew if i asked, i would get an answer. and if i got an answer, i knew i needed to obey. so if i didn't obtain an answer, i could pretend that God didn't want me to give. i cringe when i think back to how selfish i was being. how many times did i miss out on God's blessings for being obedient? every time i refused to ask.

when we ask for something, 90% of the time we have no idea what the other person's response will be. and i believe that asking the Lord of the harvest is terrifying for most Christians. why?

because we don't know what He will ask of us.

if followers of Christ do not ask the Lord of the harvest, they won't receive an answer from Him.

"phewwwww. i mean, i didn't receive an answer from the Lord, so i'm off the hook, right? i don't have to go out of my comfort-zone. someone else will step up to the plate and do it. God's not calling me to Africa or Mexico. i can serve Him here at home..."

i heard a leader once say, "delayed obedience is disobedience". and i also think that refusing to ask is also a form of disobedience as well. because we know in our hearts that to be followers of Jesus Christ is to be obedient to what God asks of us, as well as to ask Him how (and who) we can serve.

do you get what i'm saying?

i think that followers of Christ often don't ASK God because,
a) God's answer might require THEM to do something (or give up something...or move somewhere far away),
or b) they might not like what God has to say.

i could tell you about several times when i have stood before God, worshipping, while being completely shut off from Him because i didn't want to ask or receive an answer. i am so guilty! and i won't tell you that because i've repented now, i will never be that selfish again...because that would be a lie. i am very capable of being that selfish Valerie again. in fact, it's something i struggle with daily. i'm preaching to myself here, too!

but what it all boils down to is this:

followers of Christ (myself included)! stop and think about what Jesus was willing to give for you. He gave His life so you could live. don't you think it'd be okay to ask Him what He would have us do, listen to His answer, and act obediently (and joyfully!) in response? after all, the best place to be is in the center of His will.

think about it. :)

PS. it may sound like i'm saying, "you're not a Christian if you don't ask God of the harvest", but that's not the case. if you are a follower of Christ, you ARE NOT going to lose your salvation if you don't ask God what He would have you do, or if you don't sell your things and go be a missionary. that's not what i'm saying. but what i AM saying is that God loves communicating with His children and God blesses obedience. the most important thing in any relationship is communication! talk to God, seriously, and listen to His reply! i think you might enjoy what He has to say. :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

alive with Christ.

Easter, the celebration of Christ's resurrection & victory over death, has a fresh meaning to me this year. i feel like i should share the story of Jesus bringing ME back to life. i've hesitated on sharing this, because i struggle with being completely vulnerable, but i feel like it should be shared today. i'm no writer, nor do i claim to know everything. i'm simply alive because of the freedom i've received through Jesus' death and resurrection. 

PS. i'm sorry for writing a book...haha. :)

I think I've always been afraid of people. Afraid of what they could do to me? Yes, but I was more afraid of what they wouldn't do to me.

Coming from a big family, it's hard to always be heard. I don't like to talk over other people or interrupt, so I learned to hold all my opinions inside. I had been ignored too many times, and I was tired of that feeling. I wanted desperately to matter. I wanted to be loved but I didn't want to be hurt. My main goal in life was to protect myself. So I distanced myself from people. They couldn't ignore me if I ignored them first.

I held bitterness and resentment in my heart and created a bubble around myself that would keep people out of my heart. If they tried to get in, I'd get mad and snap at them until they learned that I was "untouchable" and stayed away. And that's what I thought I wanted. It was my way of protecting myself. I wanted everyone to stay away from me because I was ugly on the inside (resentment, bitterness, anger, etc.). Then when they did stay away, I justified it, believing that they didn't want to be around me because I was annoying and ugly on the outside. I laugh too loudly, I'm fat, my teeth are crooked, I have zits on my face, etc. If anyone tried to get in my bubble, I'd push them away. I was scared to feel anything other than negative feelings. I think I was scared to love. Love means being vulnerable. Being vulnerable means trusting people and giving them ammunition that they can hurt you with. I was strong, not vulnerable. I didn't like to open myself up or trust anyone. It was a risk that I didn't want to take.

On the outside, I was the "good church girl". I wanted everyone to be happy, so I tried to please everyone. I smiled and was "happy", but only on the surface. Deep down inside (the part of me that no one ever saw), I was ugly. I hated everything. I was bitter. I made plans for my life...with God as an afterthought. I had it all planned out and I was in control.

I was in control until I met a boy. Finally, I had found someone who was real. He didn't try to be something he wasn't, neither did he expect me to be something I wasn't. The day I met him, I knew that he was different from the other guys. It was like instant friendship. He never pressured me, but offered a listening ear and a non-judgmental attitude. And I took him up on the offer. I trusted him. I opened up to him and without realizing it, my heart got involved. I wanted to matter to someone. We started writing to each other, and I assumed he was as interested in me as I was in him.

But the resentment and bitterness I had held deep inside was eating away at my heart. I knew I needed to get away from home. It was my time to discover life, love, and God for myself. I didn't realize it,  but I was searching for healing that I didn't know I needed. Wanting to get away and study photography, I joined YWAM's 6-month PhotogenX DTS (Discipleship Training School).

Right after I arrived at DTS, the boy suddenly broke off all contact with me. I felt like God told me to let the boy go, and I decided that letting go was for the best, but I couldn't hide the fact that it was hurting me. It tore me apart that he wasn't trying to contact me. Did I mean nothing to him? Was my friendship worthless? It only reinforced the belief that I didn't matter to anyone. I tried to focus on what I was learning in DTS, and I could for a while, but then something would remind me of how I had been hurt and I'd just revert to my old self and hold everything inside. Heart shattered, the wounds went deep. I started rebuilding the walls around my heart, trying to protect myself again. I could feel myself shutting down again, allowing myself to go back to where I was (emotionally, and in a way, spiritually) before DTS. I half-heartedly tried to stop it, but I still shut down. In a way, I was depressed. I think I cried more in the 12 weeks of Lecture phase than I have my whole life.

I didn't know what to do...until I went on Outreach.

I spent three months in Greece, living with 10 other girls, trying to put the needs of others before my needs. I saw poverty and homelessness firsthand. I wanted to do something about it, but the only thing I could do is love on the people involved. But among the hopelessness, I saw true generosity. I saw people who watched each other's backs. I saw true friendship.

Every day of outreach was a challenge. Some days I felt like a huge failure. I struggled with street evangelism, walking up to people on the streets (that's my introverted nature). I struggled to pick my broken heart up off the ground and piece it back together. I struggled to fit in with the other girls on Team Greece. And I continued to struggle with voicing my struggles. Everyone else could talk about what they were dealing with, but I found it hard to trust my teammates. 

But in spite the hard, emotional times I was walking through, I felt myself coming alive. I was falling in love with the country of Greece and her people. I felt like there was a reason for living. I realized that there is SO much of the world that I haven't seen. I realized that when I focused on myself and my problems, I felt farther and farther away from Jesus. The more I focused on receiving from Jesus, pouring it out on others, and giving everything I had, the more I saw of Jesus in the world around me. No, I didn't have that mindset every day. I wish I had. I feel like my part in Outreach would have gone much better if I had put my magnifying glass on Jesus (instead of me) every day. Some days were good, some were bad.

During Outreach, it seemed impossible. I couldn't do it. But looking back, I realize that God gave me exactly what I needed to make it through. Even though He didn't give me what I thought I needed, what He gave me was exactly what I needed. I didn't realize that I had been trying to recharge myself while I was running on empty. There was a freedom and a healing to my broken heart when I realized this and started looking to God for fulfillment. 

Today, I still struggle with a lot of things...isn't that normal? But because of God's grace, I am no longer the same Valerie that I was last year. I am dead to the old Valerie who believed the lies from Satan that said I was worthless and ugly. I am alive in Jesus Christ, believing His words spoken over me. He valued me enough to face death on the cross. He says I am worth it. And He has commanded me to follow Him whole-heartedly, never looking back on my old self, except to remind me of what He brought me through. It's a continuing journey. One that was started last April, and one that will continue through the rest of my life.

Today I rejoice because I am alive with Christ, resurrected and doing my best to live as Jesus would. :)

 "Could it be any clearer? Our old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ, a decisive end to that sin-miserable life—no longer at sin’s every beck and call! What we believe is this: If we get included in Christ’s sin-conquering death, we also get included in his life-saving resurrection. We know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. Never again will death have the last word. When Jesus died, he took sin down with him, but alive he brings God down to us. From now on, think of it this way: Sin speaks a dead language that means nothing to you; God speaks your mother tongue, and you hang on every word. You are dead to sin and alive to God. That’s what Jesus did."
Romans 6:6-11 The Message translation

...and mexico.

hello hello!

as of last Sunday, it is official!
i will be traveling as staff with my church's youth group to Mexico for a week in June.

we will be working with Amor Ministries in Baja, Mexico, to build a house for a family. i'm really excited about the opportunity to travel back to Mexico (my first missions trip was to Mexico in 2009), and can't wait to travel internationally again!!!

i think i should start a series called "where in the world is Valerie???" haha. :P

i don't know exactly how much money i need for this trip, but i think it'll be close to $700.00 (i have $340 leftover from my YWAM fundraising efforts last year...which, because it was sent to my church, and because of the laws and requirements my church has to follow, it can only be used if i go on a missions trip with my church or a non-profit organization...and my Uganda trip isn't either of those.)


an update on finances:
i am still in need of about $382.00 for Uganda (i need to have the money by August 1st). i have been overwhelmed watching God provide the funds for this trip. :)

and now i need about $700.00 for Mexico (i need to have the money in by June 12th).

if you feel led to donate towards either missions trip, the easiest way is probably PayPal (there's a button on the "meet Valerie" page...just click on it and it'll take you to PayPal). :)

if you can't support me financially, prayers are needed too! :)

here's a HUGE thank you to everyone who has financially supported me so far! you are all a big blessing to me. <3

Thursday, March 21, 2013

His plan > my plan

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God's plan is greater than my plan.
He has my best interest in mind.
He knows me better than i know myself.
His plan has perfect timing.
He gives me dreams and then helps those dreams come true.
He gives me hope. and a future.
the best hope. the hope that gives life.
the greatest future. a future that is full of His faithfulness and promises.

Monday, March 11, 2013

it's official!

as of Friday (march 8th, 2013), i had the money to buy my plane ticket to Uganda (THANK YOU to the Michael family!). God is so faithful to me.

so we bought our plane tickets on Saturday. :)

so i am OFFICIALLY going to Uganda in August. woohoo!!!

i still need about $900 (to cover my housing/food/transportation/etc while i'm in Uganda), but i have until our departure day (August 3rd) to raise that amount. :)

thank you so much for your prayer and financial support! <3

145 days until Uganda!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


hey hey!

so just a quick update for y'all,

i currently have $861.00 towards my missions trip to Uganda in July, which means that i am in need of approximately $839.00 more to buy my plane ticket by the middle/end of March. it can totally happen! God has been SO faithful in providing for me. :)

thank you to the M family and Ms Kathy F. for their donations in the past week! y'all are the best. <3

~156 days until UGANDA

~$1,839.00 still needed

Thursday, January 31, 2013

blow away the clouds.

the sun is always there.
sometimes it gets trapped behind the clouds
and you lose sight of it for a while.
the gloom sets in.
it makes you want to give up.
but then the wind comes.
it blows the clouds away.
you feel the warmth of the sun on your face again
and know that everything will be alright.
ps. apparently i have an Instagram web profile now. you should check it out...i mean, only if you wanna keep up with my daily life and see all the things i like to take random photos of. :)

i got an email from Kris (she's also going to Uganda in July), and she met a friend of a friend who runs/works at/is somehow involved with another orphanage outside of Kampala, Uganda. this lady has been wanting to take a professional photographer to her orphanage, but hasn't had the chance. she asked if i would be willing to spend a day at her place while i'm in Uganda and photograph the children and staff (and of course, i said yes!). :)

God is orchestrating everything, and i couldn't be more excited for this trip and the opportunities it is bringing! 

a financial update:
my Christmas money, babysitting jobs, cleaning jobs, a photoshoot, my paycheck from working on the farm, and a week of housesitting comes to $716

178 days until Uganda, $2,284 left to raise.
(i need to raise about $1,000 more by March to buy my $1,700 plane ticket!)

if every one of my facebook friends donated approximately $4.64 (that's FOUR DOLLARS and SIXTY-FOUR CENTS...which is what? the equivalent of a tall cup of specialty coffee from Starbucks? c'mon, do you really NEED the coffee? bless a missionary instead! i would be eternally grateful), i would reach the goal in no time! :)

*donations can be made via paypal (

Monday, January 28, 2013

this hope.

"as i sink in despair, my spirit ebbing away,
YOU know how i'm feeling.
know the danger i'm in,
the traps hidden in my path.
look right, look left--
there's not a soul who cares what happens!
i'm up against it, with no exit--
bereft, left alone.
i cry out, God, call out:
'You're my last chance, my only hope for life!' "
psalm 142:3-5 (The Message)

there is this hope.
an assurance.
a faith.
in Jesus Christ.
and the blood He gave.
the willingness.
the sacrifice.
the love poured out.
the redemption.
the saving grace.

it is an anchor.
the rock that holds my shifting soul.
the faith that moves mountains.
the security i need.
it keeps me from sinking, drifting.

hope is the anchor for my soul.

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Monday, January 7, 2013


i met Ms Debbie last year.
she always had a smile on her face and always gave hugs to everyone.
she was the kind of genuine that i can only hope to be.
she got excited when talking about Jesus and what He had done for her.
she was the first person to tell you that she wasn't perfect, but redeemed.
she carried herself with dignity and lived passionately for the Lord.
the joy of the Lord was her strength.

on Christmas Eve 2012, Ms Debbie met her Savior face-to-face for the first time.
she is worshipping Jesus with the angels in Heaven now.

this past saturday, her family had a memorial service/celebration of her life.
i'm not sure how many people came, but my church (that seats like 300-ish people) was PACKED.
as people shared what she had done for them, i couldn't help but get choked up.
her big heart and welcoming arms will be missed.

while i don't understand WHY, i know it was her time.
God called her home.

i want to live by the same generosity and nonjudgemental attitude.
i want to live with open arms and a transparent heart.
i want to trust God even when it's hard.
i want the Joy of the Lord to be my strength.
just like Ms Debbie.

Friday, January 4, 2013

a is for adventure.

since i returned from my 6 month DTS adventure with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), my heart has wanted to pursue missions and photography. but for a 19-year-old missionary with no money, it's kind of hard. however, i have been learning to be content in all things and rest in God's will. maybe i'm not supposed to live overseas and be a foreign missionary permanently, but short term. but over the past 4 months, i have prayed and prayed for another opportunity to use my photography skills in foreign missions.

in October, God laid Africa on my heart. shortly afterwards, i saw a Facebook post from a friend asking if anyone was interested in getting a team together for a missions trip to Africa (Uganda). heart pounding, i immediately replied YES. she said the school/orphanage needs photos of the children to help get them sponsored/adopted. UMM, YES!

i asked for confirmation from the Lord.
in the following three days, i asked to hear "UGANDA" without any prompting from me. the next day, i got a call from a lady and we started talking about missions. she casually mentioned Uganda and i knew.

Africa is calling me and everything has sort of fallen into place over the past few weeks.

our small team will be spending two weeks (July 29th-ish through August 12th-ish) at Boanerges Deaf Initiative, (BDI is a school/orphanage for deaf children) near Kampala, Uganda. i will use my photography skills to photograph the people and places, bringing back a piece of Uganda for the people in America. i will also improve my ASL skills (which are pretty bad right now...but hey, i have about 7 months to learn), and serve wherever i am needed. i'm also hoping for our team to put together some skits and fun things for the children.

i am so so SO excited for this opportunity to serve in missions with my photography.

GUYS. i'm going to UGANDA. and i need YOUR help! :)

being that i have just returned from the missions field, other than odd jobs (babysitting, working on the farm, etc), i haven't had the opportunity to earn much money. i need about $3,000 for this. and about $2,000 (for my plane ticket) will need to be raised as soon as possible (preferably by March).

SO. do you feel called to support me?
do you:
need a babysitter? i love kids and i need to raise money for a missions trip. BAM.
need family photos? i do that too. :)
need your house cleaned? i was trained at and worked at a Bed & Breakfast for 3 years. i can clean. :)
need a room/house/fence/whatever painted? i'm pretty handy with a paintbrush.
need your flower garden weeded and your yard mowed in the summer? i'm not afraid of a little dirt. :)

whatever you need done, i am willing to do it in exchange for a donation towards my trip. however, if you are overcome with a spirit of generosity and just want to donate, i have a Paypal account (send gifts to and will accept donations of ANY amount! if every single one of my facebook friends donated $6.00, i would have just under the $3,000 that i need.

well, are you guys as excited as i am? maybe not, but i would love it if you could keep me and my fundraising in your prayers. i feel (very strongly) that i am supposed to go on this trip, and your prayers and support are what will make it possible!

PS. a few fundraisers are in the works, so stay tuned! i don't think you'll want to miss out on them. :D

the adventure continues...

206-ish days until Uganda (dates have not been finalized.)
$3,000 to raise.

God will provide. :)