Monday, March 31, 2014

missing in action and an announcement.

ohhey. i forgot i have a blog.

haha, not really...

my life has gotten SO busy in the last three months.
and i don't even know what's happening half of the time anyway.
i'm sorry for going MIA! <3

okay, so a little update on my life.

i got hired at a local Christian school, to help out with their Extended Care (after-school daycare). basically it's glorified babysitting. but i enjoy it. my 2nd-5th grade group keeps me on my toes for a few hours every week. :) i had been praying for something to supplement my farm income, and God answered my prayer with this job! with the hours i work in Extended Care, i can still make it home in time to do my farm chores. thank you, Jesus!

so with this current schedule, i'm basically only "home" (by "home" i mean inside the house) for a few hours, and then i'm off to the daycare, or back in the barn, or cleaning people's houses, or at a staff meeting for church, or something else. like i said, it's been crazy.

my introvert side is screaming at me all the time. i'm craving alone time. i'm craving sleep. i'm ready for a break and the year is only just starting. but whatever. it's life, yeah! i'll make it.

aaaaand i also have an announcement to make! :D

the way it sounds, i will be going with my church on TWO missions trips (a week in Nicaragua and a week in Haiti). woohoo! praise Jesus. it's been 5 months since i've been on an airplane and i'm starting to think i've been in America too long. it may sound crazy, but i think traveling helps keep me sane. ;)

anyway, i need about $2,300 for both trips (combined cost). i would love it if you prayed about supporting me. i believe God has called me to go on both of these trips, but i can't go without your support! God has given me peace about going to Nicaragua and Haiti, so i know He'll provide! :)

please contact me if you can support me financially! if not, please pray that i'm able to raise the funds for these trips! :) photobyvalerie (at) gmail (dot) com

ps. if you're on instagram, you can follow my fundraising journey AND see photos from the trips/old missions trips i've gone on. :) just follow @valeriebeth
(or look up the hashtag: #valtravels2014 )