Wednesday, July 24, 2013

in the little things.

10 days before i'm scheduled to leave for Uganda, i'm sitting here waiting for my renewed passport to come back. can anyone say "ALL THE STRESS"? i mean, we're talking about the girl who finished college papers two weeks before they were due because she sorta kinda FREAKS OUT about deadlines (um, yes, that would be me). no, my passport isn't here yet and 10 days is cutting it kinda close. have i mentioned that i consider my passport to be nearly as sacred as my Bible? haha, okay i'm totally kidding on that one, but you get what i'm can't leave America without it! ;)

but let's get serious for a second. throughout this experience, God is teaching me.

He's saying that He is in control of the little things. He works behind the scenes. He wants my complete faith and trust. He's got this.

despite my anxiety and stress and worry, i know without a doubt that God has called me to Africa in August. i know i'm supposed to go. i know He will provide, i WATCHED Him provide. (even with the unexpected passport renewal cost + the bill from my vaccinations, i somehow still have enough money to go to Uganda, and almost enough to pay for my NZ & Australia trip!)

God is SO incredibly faithful to me. even when i stress out about little BIG things (like my passport not being here). He knows how i like to have everything planned at least 2 weeks in advance (okay, so i'm a teeny bit of a control freak). He knows my heart. and He wants my trust.

He has called me to Uganda. He is faithful and will take care of the details that are out of my control. <-- of this i have no doubt.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, "the One who called you is faithful and He will do it."

so if you're stressing out about something that's out of your control, i know exactly how you're feeling. but just remember that God works in everything. He's got it under control. :) if He has called you to something, He'll work out the details. don't stress.

10 days until Uganda!

PS. according to the passport people that i called today, i can be expecting my passport by this Saturday or the following yeah. praise Him. :)

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